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The Treatment



The Primary Treatment

The primary treatment offered by Rostra UK Ltd is endovenous laser ablation (EVLA). EVLA has been performed around the world since 1999 and is now established as an excellent alternative to the traditional surgical procedures performed for treatment of varicose veins.

EVLA has received approval for use within the NHS by the National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE).

EVLA is a quick, minimally invasive laser procedure that leaves no scar, has a short and relatively pain-free post-operative recovery period, and is performed under local anaesthesia.

The treatment itself normally takes less than one hour and involves both a physical and an ultrasound examination to map the vein to be treated. The procedure will be carried out by one of the Rostra UK Ltd Consultants who will also be an established NHS Vascular Specialist.

The area of the leg affected is anaesthetised locally and a thin laser fibre is inserted into the abnormal vein. After checking that the laser fibre is in the correct position, laser energy is delivered directly to the wall of the vein. The laser energy heats the vein causing it to shrink and collapse.

Walking immediately following the procedure is encouraged and normal daily activity can be resumed immediately. However, strenuous physical activity such as aerobics should be avoided for three to four weeks. Patients may experience bruising and soreness for 3-5 days after the treatment. Pain is usually improved by walking or oral pain relief medications.

As with all medical procedures there are some potential side effects, fortunately with EVLA the reported complications are both infrequent and, mostly, mild.

The clinical team at Rostra UK Ltd will discuss the possible complications of your treatment with you and the Consultant performing your procedure will also discuss these prior to your operation. You should ask any questions regarding any aspect of your treatment to any member of the clinical team.

In the majority of patients, EVLA treatment will resolve both the symptoms of the varicose veins and also the unsightly veins that are visible in the thigh or calf.

In some patients however, it may be necessary to perform additional procedures to treat the remaining veins. The necessity for further treatment will be decided when you attend for a follow up out-patient appointment approx. 3 months after you undergo EVLA. As with the EVLA procedure, any additional treatments will be performed under a local anaesthetic.

If additional procedures are required, these will usually consist of one or more injections into the remaining, visible veins in the thigh or calf. In a small number of patients, these remaining veins may be removed by making a tiny incision in the skin and removing the vein with a small surgical hook. Very few patients will require a repeat laser procedure.




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